When transfering my Acrobat 8 standard to a new computer, I thought I had solved the periodic reactivation nagging I used to get from my old installation by following (to the letter) the Adobe instructions re obtaining a new serial number and installing a version (that would not require activation) from the designated alternative server. … If you launch Acrobat 8 first, you receive a prompt to enter a serial number which is not required if Photoshop is successfully launched first. Still have problems? Open Application.xml and look this line: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Thanks and wishing you best of luck. ( btw if you ever played World of Warcraft or Lineage 2 this should be easy ) Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on. The administrator/writer/owner/publisher of this blog cannot and will not be held responsible for the way the content of this blog is being used. Errors when signing in, activating, or starting Adobe apps or services? Want to use the software on a new computer? Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Update Note: A lot of my readers asking solution to activate Adobe Photoshop and others adobe products like Adobe Premiere pro, After effects, illustrator etc. If you see two Adobe logos, you have access to the activation servers.
The folder is located in the root library on the drive containing Mac OS.